England Athletics Race License: 29451
The race will be run under UK Athletics rules.
Course Measurement Certificate No: 25-232
Assemble at 1.30pm for race start at 1.45pm from New Wye Street, near the town centre Waitrose Car Park. The race will be started by the Buxton Well Dressing Festival Queen.
Saturday 12th July 2025
Start Location:
New Wye St
what3words: daydream.galaxies.gems
Race HQ:
Buxton Conservative Club
3-5 Concert Place,
Market Place,
Buxton SK17 6EE
Online entries: Online entry registration will open soon. £10.60 (EA affiliated)/£12.60 (non-affiliated)
Online entries will close at midnight on Monday 7th July.
Entries on the day: £11 (EA affiliated)/£13 (non-affiliated).
Cash only please, available from 12 noon – 1:15 at Race HQ.
Race number collection available from 12 noon – 1:15 at Race HQ.
Max number of entries 200.
Minimum age on race day is 16 years. Parent/Guardian permission required for under-18s.
Race facilities:
Limited changing and toilet facilities at Race HQ. Public toilets are at the eastern end of Spring Gardens, and at the Town Hall on the Market Place.
Water stations at 2 miles and at the finish.
Prizegiving will take place at approximately 3:15pm at Race HQ.
Race Information and Rules:
- Updates and information may be posted on our Facebook page Buxton Carnival ‘4’.
- Time limit: 1 hour.
- Runners must fill in the Competitor Information on the back of their race number. This is for use in a medical emergency.
- Only some of the roads on the course will be closed to traffic. Keep left and use the pavement where possible.
- Runners will be asked to keep left and to obey marshal’s instructions.
- Headphones must not be worn.
- Follow marshal’s instructions.
- Please carry your own water.
- Ensure you are sufficiently hydrated before the race.
- Wear appropriate clothing for the weather on the day.
- Do not take part if you have been ill prior to race day.
- Race numbers must not be folded, cut, or mutilated.
- All information relating to Buxton Carnival 4-Mile road race will be published on Buxton AC’s website and on the Buxton Carnival ‘4’ Facebook page.
- If time allows, all advance changes/alterations to the course or the event will also be published on Buxton AC’s website and/or on Buxton Carnival ‘4’ Facebook page.
- It is the responsibility of all competitors to ensure they are aware of all information relating to the race.
Terms and Conditions:
- I declare that the information on this form is complete and correct.
- I accept the following terms and conditions for my own entry. I also accept the terms and conditions on behalf of any other participants I am entering into this event, all of who have been provided with a copy of these terms and conditions and accept them.
- I understand and agree that I participate in this at my own risk and that I must rely on my own ability in dealing with hazards.
- I am aware that the function of the marshals is only to indicate direction and that I must decide if the movement is safe.
- I understand that I shall abide by instructions from the marshals.
Condition of Entry:
As a condition of entry to this event, all runners agree to their personal and medical details being released by the medical team to the event organiser to inform the next of kin (details on the back of the race number) and statutory authorities in the event of a medical emergency.
Any runner with existing medical condition which requires special attention, such as epilepsy, diabetes, a history of heart/respiratory conditions, is required to make a large cross in red felt tip pen on the front of their race number, and is required to carry any relevant medication such as inhalers with them. For any allergies/medical conditions runners should seek advice from their GP.
By entering the Carnival 4-Mile race applicants agree to abide by our terms and conditions as listed above:
Failure to Comply with Rules or Terms and Conditions may result in disqualification. The race organiser also has the right to refuse entry.
- We endeavour to make sure we provide you with the event that you have entered. Circumstances may be such that we unable to deliver an event in the format expected/advertised.
- The race organiser has the right to change the event for reason of safety without prior notice. In such circumstances competitors will not be eligible for any refund, whether full or partial, or any other financial recompense.
Completion of Entry Form/Online Entry:
If entrants do not complete all sections of the entry form, the race organiser will take the following actions:
- Entries missing age/date of birth will not be eligible for age category prizes.
- Once we have received an application, any subsequent affiliation change to individual affiliation will not result in any refund of the difference between non-affiliation and affiliation entry fee.
Any individual who has won a prize at the race must either:
- Collect the prize at the prizegiving.
- Arrange for the prize to be collected by friend/fellow club member.
- If the prize is not collected today we will endeavour to arrange for collection in person.
- Unfortunately we will not be able to post prizes.
Competitor Withdrawal:
- No transfers allowed.
- If after paying for the event you have to withdraw, you will not receive a refund, regardless of the reason (injury, illness, pregnancy, holiday, business/work, etc.).
- Personal arrangements including travel, accommodation or hospitality relating to the event which have been arranged by you are at your own risk.
Previous results
Free photos from the Buxton Carnival race 2022 are now online and searchable here. Many thanks to Frank Golden sports photos.
The race is now dedicated to the memory of Buxton AC’s former junior Thomas Theyer. The Thomas Theyer Foundation has been set up to provide accommodation for children and young people, with additional needs or difficult life circumstances, at White Hall Outdoor Education Centre so they can enjoy outdoor activities and respite breaks for families. Once again, the profits and sponsorship from the 2025 race will contribute to the work of the Foundation.